Support RNS

Planned Giving

Leaving a Legacy
The first step in choosing to name RNS in your will is to discuss your intentions with your family or friends and your lawyer. This decision is a personal decision, but ensuring you have the proper support and documents in place will ensure your intentions are honoured.
Making a donation of any type or size is a very personal decision. We keep all personal information and donation specifics in strict confidence. If you want to share with us and others news of a bequest left for RNS in your will, you can do so in as much detail as you wish. By knowing your plans today, we can work with you to ensure your gift will fulfill your intended benefit for the school.
Many, if not most, people who choose to leave a bequest do not know at the time how much that legacy will be or how it will be made. These decisions can be made at a later date and will likely change as life circumstances change.
Most importantly, by sharing with us news of your bequest today, we will be able to say ’thank you’.
For more information, or to confidentially discuss your ideas and plans, please contact The Development & Alumni Affairs Office, at 506-848-0861 or via email at
40 College Hill Road
Rothesay, NB
E2E 5H1

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