Supporting A Caring & Engaged Community

We are dedicated to ensuring our parents, students, employees, and stakeholders share a passion for Rothesay Netherwood School, and a commitment to continuous improvement and engagement in a diverse community.
Our human resources strategy will enhance our ability to attract, develop, and retain a diverse group of faculty and staff who maintain our values and demonstrate excellence in all facets of our program. 
Within our community, we will support a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion, fostering opportunities for learning, understanding, respect, and a global perspective. 
We will offer rich opportunities for authentic engagement in experiences that connect us with our community of parents, alumni, and partners with the expectation of making a positive contribution to local, national, and global communities.
We will develop a strong and respected network of alumni to leverage their RNS experience and connections to the school. 
40 College Hill Road
Rothesay, NB
E2E 5H1

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